The Monthly Newsletter is Published for Artists Who Want Measured, Proven, Methodical Growth
What Moat Memo Members Receive:

What is the Hacking Music Memo?
Every month my team, equity partners, and private clients meet to discuss our latest findings and research within our respective businesses.
Music and Media industries, dozens of tests run to market, and countless insights…
All distilled into a 8-10 page newsletter.
Read it in your office, take it with you on the plane, or find a nice place outside. Wherever you read it…
The Hacking Music Memo compresses hundreds of hours of knowledge into a mere 30-minute thinking session.
This is not a “marketing newsletter,” it covers everything you need to build a healthy career - which includes GREAT music AND PLATFORM ex. operations, back office tech, marketing, product development, revenue stack, and business models, etc.
What is The "Hacking Music " Model?
All artists in our portfolio are deploying a new “Hacking Music” model - which secures more freedom, fun, and margin.
It’s a model that runs counter to the old, antiquated “Record Label" model.
  • They focus on likes. We focus on models.
  • They focus on quantity. We focus on quality.
  • They focus on owning aritsts We focus on artists who own.
  • They focus on “artist first". We focus on the "fan first"
  • They focus on 2 year career. We focus on a 20 year career.
  • They focus on artists in DEBT. We focus on Artist Monthly Reoccuring Reveune
  • They focus on over-powering artists. We focus on EM-powring artists
  • They focus on luck. We focus on leverage

Everything optimizes for steady, controlled, and enduring growth. We achieve this by deploying multiple “MODELS” into the business, including:
  • The Super Song Model
  • “Revolving Revenue”
  • Tier 1 Super-Teams
  • Music Business Model Canvas (essential for kowing the model you are operating in)
  • Product Stack MRR (essential for keeping your Monthly Revenues healthy)
  • ​Monetizr Framework
  • Staging Experiences
  • Using VAs...Etc. ectera

What's Included With Your "Hacking Music Memo" Membership
For legitimate artists, entrepreusners who want better careers, better music, better teams and sustainable revenue🔥
The “Hacking Music Memo” is a monthly membership which includes:
A physical copy of the monthly Hacking Music Memo mailed to your door (hours of my personal research, strategies, and lessons I've learned from growing my businesses - in the palm of your hand)
Instant DIGITAL access to the monthly memos in addition to the physical editions, you'll also get digital versions delivered to your custom membership portal each month so that you can dig in right away and take the info on the go)
Monthly Video & Audio Commentary specific to the monthly memo lessons which provides extra detail and context.
​Access to Our Private Hacking Music Memo Community - a place where you can engage with your fellow Memo subscribers and share your favorite takeaways, drop some epic wins, and get support throughout your journey from our AMAZING team!
Plus, Premium Subscriber-Only Bonuses:
  • 5-Day Hacking Music OS (Operating System) - A 5 day "system reboot" featuring 52 lessons I’ve learned from building multiple empires from 2014 to 2020. Many run counter to the narrative peddled by most music business "gurus".
  • “Action Wins” Course (Over the years I've mastered a plan that allows me to select what to study and take action... I teach you the entire system in this 4 hour course, and the goal is to allow you to become SMARTER, faster, without having to spend hours and hours per week doing it)
  • Levels Of Leadership (some of the most important leadership lessons and "people" lessons I learned in the course of building, scaling, and sometimes breaking businesses of my own after we generated $19MM+ for our clients and portfolio partners In various industries
All For An Unprecedented...
$17 Per Month
An Emerging Model For Sustainable Growth in ALL Areas
Here’s the model we use today.
It’s called the “Hacking Music” model.
It’s built with expiereinces, automation and service in mind. We optimize for MARGIN across the board in ALL areas - financial, personal, professional.
We analyzed the defective components of legacy dinosaur music business and figured out how to “invert” them.

A standard artist career feels like this:
  • Feast & Famine
  • Start Over Every Month
  • Linear & Unleveraged Time
  • ​High Stress

The "Hacking Music" model, in contrast, is:
  • Steady & Predictable
  • “Revolving” Revenue Models
  • Time & Money Not Connected
  • ​Scalable & Sellable
We completely reinvented the model from the ground up to secure more longevity, revenue and sanity for artists.
The 4 Stages of Hacking Music
Any artist that is worth anything will go through these 4 stages - avoiding the inevitable pitfall of standard record label horror story:

A “full cycle” takes 2-4 years.

The model incentivizes getting better, not getting bigger.
Because when you get better, your customers will beg you, DEMAND you, to BUY from you

Built On MODELS, Not Luck.
Let me ask you a question:
If you quit entering contetst, writing songs, watching you tube how long would it take before your career stopped working?
For us, we could not take another client for the rest of this year and be fine.
It’s not ideal, but we would not be in any danger.

Here’s the deal...
Really, it’s about taking the smart route over the desperate lottery route.
This is the future of music business - it’s already occurring in the field.
The old system focuses on advertising...
We focus on MODELS.
The old system focuses on quantity...
We focus on QUALITY.
The old system focuses on aggressive "scale"...
We focus on MARGIN.