Supercharge Your Career
Enter LoudLab: the highly-vetted leadership program focused around small peer groups, a tech-enabled platform, and an expert-led curriculum.🔥
Supercharge Your Career
Enter LoudLab: the highly-vetted leadership program focused around small peer groups, a tech-enabled platform, and an expert-led curriculum.🔥
Surround Yourself with
Professional Artists
It's an amazing time to be a artist. It's never been easier to be paid for the things that you make! And I love the term "artist" because of its inclusiveness. If you self-identify as a artist, you are a artist. If you're making things, you're a artist.
But being a professional artist... is a little bit of a different story.
Professional artists are financially rewarded by their work. They approach their work more methodically and with rigor.
Professional artists are entrepreneurs as much as they are artists. They're continuously building, shipping, growing and taking action based on results.
In my experience, there's no better life than that of a professional artist.
That's why I built LoudLab
Inside LoudLab, we're a bunch of artists training, building, growing in tandem. Not only does LabLab encourage you to move faster, and benefit of learning from the results of others.
If you're a serious artist, LoudLab was made for you.
Learn From Me
Hey, John here. LoudLab is where I'm investing the majority of my time and attention outside of running our business.
I want to help as many people as possible become professional artists. And I believe the best way for me to be successful is to ensure that the people I serve are successful.
So I created LoudLab so that I could invest more time and effort into the creators who invest their time with me and my work.
But I can't help you become a professional artist with just a pre-recorded course. I can't help you become a professional creator with just a single cohort-based course, either.
Becoming a professional artist requires a lot of skills, mini-projects, and above all – time.
The best way for me to support you on that journey is through an ongoing relationship.
A place where I can share what I'm learning (including the changing landscape) for months if not years.
That means that inside LoudLab, I'm extremely active in the forum and in direct messages. I host weekly live sessions each week including open Office Hours and 1:1 member Hot Seats.
I also create and curate the best training resources I can to help you build your career platform.
Loud Lab is where I'm able to personalize my experience and insight to you and your specific situation
and I love it.
and I love it.
And even better – it's a space for us all to learn together in real time.
LoudLab is designed to
be small (and stay small)....

I've been a part of large communities.
And there are a lot of great things about them. But it's very easy to lose closeness to the community as it grows. So I've designed LoudLab to stay small. That allows me to invest more of MY time in fewer people and gives me the time and space to continue building my own business.
At this time, LoudLab is at full capacity. New spots will only be available once a member decides they do not wish to renew. New spots will be made available first to our Basic members, followed by our waitlist.
ASSEMBLED - Assembled from co-ventures with Garth, Tim and Taylor
VETTED - Vetted over the last 15 years in management offices, recording studios, writer rooms, board rooms, and performance arenas.
PRESSURE TESTED - Pressure Tested at Universities like Belmont and Harvard University
PROVEN - Proven across our business and our artist’s businesses
A community of action takers, moment makers and record breakers
$27 Mth
  • Access to all courses ($1800 value)
  • Access to all workshops ($300 value)
  • Access to members-only community forum ($1800 value)
  • "Monthly Call-Ins" to get customized advisory & close up access
  • Office Hours with John
  • Participate in Shared Focus Sprints
  • Personal 1:1 Launch Manager
  • Quarterly 1:1 with John ($1500 Value)
* Basic members receive first opportunity for Standard/VIP openings (Simply upgrade by paying the difference)
$47 Mth
  • Access to all courses ($800 value)
  • Access to all workshops ($300 value)
  • Access to members-only community forum ($1800 value)
  • "Monthly Call-Ins" to get customized advisory & close up access
  • Office Hours with John
  • Participate in Shared Focus Sprints
  • Personal 1:1 Launch Manager
  • Quarterly 1:1 with John ($1500 Value)
* Currently at capacity
$87 Mth
  • Access to all courses ($800 value)
  • Access to all workshops ($300 value)
  • Access to members-only community forum ($1800 value)
  • "Monthly Call-Ins" to get customized advisory & close up access
  • Office Hours with John
  • Participate in Shared Focus Sprints
  • Personal 1:1 Launch Manager
  • Quarterly 1:1 with John ($1500 Value)
* Currently at capacity
Best for those who want long-term access to a single course and prefer a DIY approach with lifetime access to the course curriculum
Where Developing artists become
Deploying and Dominating Artists.

Book a clarity-call
Frequently and Not so Frequently Questions
What is the value of joining LoudLab?
Being an artist can be lonely. Enter HackingMusic: the highly-vetted leadership program focused around small peer groups, a tech-enabled platform, and an expert-led curriculum.
How often will my membership renew?
A LoudLab membership requires a minimum commitment of 3 months. From there, membership renews every quarter.
How do you determine who makes the cut?
We strive to maintain the perfect balance between being a highly-curated network and a diverse community of achievers.
We screen all applications carefully and accept members based on:
✔ Diversity of genres

✔ Diversity in skills

✔ Bias towards action

✔ Desire to contribute and support others

✔ Drive to achieve
✔ High-Trust, Hi-Integrity members
✔ We look for members who view themselves as artists AND business owners.
Is there anyone you don't accept?
✔ Because all of our artist members work on the road, in the studio, in e-commerce, in touring and artist devleopment our membership is not the right format for side hustlers, network marketers.
✔ If your target audience is our members, LoudLab is not the right fit. LoudLab members do not solicit other members and do not use LoudLab as their personal client funnel or to market their services.
✔ If you are not fully supportive of taking 100% responsibility for your future and you are not passionate about strengthening the relationship between you and your fans and building a 5, 10 or 20 year career then we are not the right fit for you.
When does most programming take place?
Our members span 7 time zones. Therefore, all of our live programming takes place Monday – Friday between noon and 3pm CST.
What is the minimum time commitment needed in order to gain from membership?
If you can invest only 1 hour per week, you can benefit from ALL of our high-impact programming like masterminds, industry cohorts, and expert learning sessions.
If you can invest an extra 30 minutes each week, you can benefit from a 1:1 member connection call to expand and deepen your network.
If you can invest a little more time, you can use our private forum to receive answers to your most pressing questions, attend live office hours, access our library of high-impact learning sessions and much, much more!
No doubt, the more you engage, the quicker you will advance. But even members who can only commit to an hour per week will tell you that the value they receive from that tiny time commitment has exceeded their wildest expectations
What is the platform of LoudLab?
LoudLab’s community platform is based on Circle. 

Why Circle?
 ✔ Circle respects your time and doesn’t let an algorithm determine which posts and discussions make it into your feed. 
✔ Circle makes it simple to create searchable tags and topics for finding answers quickly and easily.
✔ Circle is 100% private and will not serve you ads of any kind.
✔ Because many of our community peers, like Dreamers & Doers, are on Circle. This makes it easy for members to toggle across multiple memberships in one app.We screen all applications carefully and accept members based on: